Nestled into a serene tree lined street in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, Bergen features 105 residences by renowned architect Frida Escobedo. Driven by neighborhood context, the facade takes inspiration from the quintessential bay-window brownstones, interpreting the geometry and materiality in a contempor...
Nestled into a serene tree lined street in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, Bergen features 105 residences by renowned architect Frida Escobedo. Driven by neighborhood context, the facade takes inspiration from the quintessential bay-window brownstones, interpreting the geometry and materiality in a contemporary manner. Composed from handmade geometric modules, the facade elegantly weaves light, shadow and air throughout each residence, revealing crafted finishes and honoring the natural environment.
With a highly curated collection of indoor and outdoor amenities, focused on community, health, wellness, and the arts, Bergen provides a universal sense of belonging. Bergens Glass House, the source of equilibrium between the East and West residential wings, connects multiple amenity levels through a custom circular stair, providing residents with interconnected access to a multitude of spaces that create a sense of home. Amenity highlights include a full time attended lobby, a ceramic studio led by BKLYN Clay, a private park for residents and two carefully landscaped common roof spaces with gas grills and fire pits designed by DXA Studio and Patrick Cullina.
The complete offering terms are in an Offering Plan available from Sponsor. File NO.CD23-0157. Sponsor: BERGEN OWNER LLC. 221 West 37th Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10018. Equal Housing Opportunity.