The listing at 15 Amagansett Dr E has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
East Hampton North

12 East Hampton North Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Condo in East Hampton North at 70 Huckleberry Lane for $1,995,000
House in East Hampton North at 60 Miller Lane E for $1,900,000
House in East Hampton North at 4 Talkhouse Walk for $2,195,000
House in East Hampton North at 21 Dominy Court for $2,385,000
House in East Hampton North at 3 Sulky Circle for $2,485,000
House in East Hampton North at 85 Cove Hollow Road for $2,150,000
House in East Hampton North at 2 Crystal Mews Lane for $1,795,000
House in East Hampton North at 6 Crystal Mews Lane for $1,995,000
House in East Hampton North at 9 Sulky Circle for $2,725,000
House in East Hampton North at 4 Crystal Mews Lane for $1,895,000
House in East Hampton North at 151 Newtown Lane for $3,895,000
House in East Hampton North at 165 N Main Street for $4,995,000
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