The listing at 727 Lawrence Street has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

28 Elmont Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in Elmont at 1596 Madison Street for $649,000
House in Elmont at 34 Diamond Street for $949,999
House in Elmont at 200 Louis Avenue for $924,999
House in Elmont at 69 Ruby Street for $699,950
House in Elmont at 98 Locustwood Boulevard for $799,000
House in Elmont at 152 Emily Avenue for $734,900
House in Elmont at 1518 Johnson Avenue for $1,199,000
House in Elmont at 229 Doherty Avenue for $529,000
House in Elmont at 7 sterling Road for $620,000
House in Elmont at 118 Fieldmere Street for $1,250,000
House in Elmont at 2173 Renfrew Avenue for $850,000
House in Elmont at 97 Marguerite Ave ave for $1,499,000
House in Elmont at 146 Terrace Avenue for $900,000
House in Elmont at 441 Meacham Avenue for $725,000
House in Elmont at 1287 Langdon Street for $949,000
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