The listing at 651 Heritage Hills #A has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

13 Somers Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Condo in Somers at 402 Heritage Hills #B for $610,000
Condo in Somers at 592 Heritage Hills #B for $408,500
Condo in Somers at 564 Heritage Hills #C for $600,000
Condo in Somers at 393 Heritage Hills #B for $449,000
Condo in Somers at 797 Heritage Hills Drive #B for $619,900
Condo in Somers at 526 Heritage Hills Drive #A for $400,000
House in Somers at 48 Wilner Road for $899,000
Condo in Somers at 438 Heritage Hills Drive #C for $779,000
House in Somers at 8 Somerset Drive for $779,000
Condo in Somers at 445 Heritage Hills #E for $469,900
Condo in Somers at 570 Heritage Hills #A for $579,000
Condo in Somers at 611 Heritage Hills #A for $625,000
House in Somers at 8 Smith Lane for $1,380,000