The listing at 630 Bourdois Avenue has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
North Bellport

10 North Bellport Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in North Bellport at 843 Bayview Avenue for $419,000
House in North Bellport at 270 Louise Avenue for $515,990
House in North Bellport at 130 Tarpon Avenue for $575,000
House in North Bellport at 556 Scherger Avenue for $399,000
House in North Bellport at 862 Meade Avenue for $579,000
House in North Bellport at 863 Taylor Avenue for $499,000
House in North Bellport at 931 Narragansett Avenue for $460,000
House in North Bellport at 597 Brookhaven Avenue for $290,000
House in North Bellport at 836 Provost Avenue for $290,000
House in North Bellport at 647 Doane Avenue for $479,990