The listing at 61-12 160th Street has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

19 Pomonok Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in Pomonok at 160-31 73 Avenue for $799,000
Coop in Pomonok at 78-40 164 Street #3J for $215,000
House in Pomonok at 71-44 160th Street for $5,500,000
House in Pomonok at 65-01 163rd Street for $1,190,000
Condo in Pomonok at 71-20 162 Street #1 for $635,000
Condo in Pomonok at 71-33 162 st Street #2A for $495,000
Condo in Pomonok at 71-32 162 Street #1 for $630,000
Condo in Pomonok at 71-24 163rd St #3B for $650,000
Condo in Pomonok at 71-19 162nd Street #2I for $448,000
Condo in Pomonok at 163-07 72nd Avenue #5b for $718,888
House in Pomonok at 72-03 160th Street for $789,000
House in Pomonok at 77-40 162 Street for $998,000
Condo in Pomonok at 163-07 72 Avenue #4H for $445,500
Condo in Pomonok at 163-07 72 Avenue #4D for $480,700
Condo in Pomonok at 163-07 72 Avenue #2C for $560,500
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