Nestled within the prestigious confines of 550 Park Avenue, this full-floor sanctuary effortlessly marries the quintessence of New York's bygone era with the pinnacle of modern luxury and design. Spanning an impressive 7,000 square feet, this residence, meticulously reimagined by the renowned interi...
Nestled within the prestigious confines of 550 Park Avenue, this full-floor sanctuary effortlessly marries the quintessence of New York's bygone era with the pinnacle of modern luxury and design. Spanning an impressive 7,000 square feet, this residence, meticulously reimagined by the renowned interior designer David Kleinberg, stands as a beacon of unparalleled perfection, offering panoramic views of the Manhattan skyline from every cardinal direction.
As you ascend in a private elevator landing, you are welcomed into a realm of exquisite elegance. The entrance unfolds into a grand, circular foyer, leading to an extraordinary gallery that serves as the backbone of this architectural marvel, designed for the display of fine art and the seamless flow between resplendent living spaces. The public areas form a grand sequence of rooms-each a testament to sophisticated living and impeccable taste. From the splendid proportions of the living room to the refined ambiance of the formal dining room, reception room, and library, each space is imbued with natural light and breathtaking views.
The heart of this home is the incredible eat-in chef's kitchen, a symphony of marble and stainless steel with state of the art appliances, flanked by a versatile wet bar, doubling as a butler's pantry. This culinary masterpiece is engineered for both grandiose entertaining and private moments, bridging elegance with functionality.
The private quarters of the residence unfold with the same grandeur and attention to detail. The primary bedroom, a lavish 38-foot retreat, boasts a fireplace and views across three exposures, anchored by two opulent dressing rooms and marble bathrooms, alongside a bespoke home gym-creating a secluded enclave of luxury.
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The guest wing complements this sanctuary, offering spacious bedrooms, each with en-suite baths, ensuring privacy and comfort for guests and family alike.
Further enhancing this exquisite residence are four fireplaces, high ceilings, and an abundance of storage, alongside a spacious laundry room with an adjacent staff room suite, and a separate service entrance.
This residence is a testament to the grandiosity of Park Avenue living, offering a rare fusion of space, luxury, and panoramic beauty, all while encapsulating the very essence of an opulent New York lifestyle