The listing at 53-35 82nd Street has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

117 Elmhurst Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Coop in Elmhurst at 87-10 51 Street #3S for $620,000
Coop in Elmhurst at 44-16 E Macnish Street #6G for $368,000
House in Elmhurst at 42-24 76 Street for $1,299,000
House in Elmhurst at 9426 54th Avenue for $1,000,000
Condo in Elmhurst at 87-08 Justice Avenue #C5+P42 for $260,000
Condo in Elmhurst at 87-08 Justice Avenue #C6+C7 for $550,000
Condo in Elmhurst at 91-23 Corona Avenue #4E for $681,625
House in Elmhurst at 4122 Benham Street for $1,400,000
Condo in Elmhurst at 91-23 Corona Avenue #2B for $499,000
Condo in Elmhurst at 88-08 Justice Avenue #7E for $629,000
Coop in Elmhurst at 91-15 Lamont Avenue #2G for $338,000
Condo in Elmhurst at 4225 80th Street #2F for $608,000
Coop in Elmhurst at 84-19 51st Avenue #6B for $279,000
Townhouse in Elmhurst at 95-20 41 Ave for $1,498,800
Coop in Elmhurst at 84-20 51st Avenue #2B for $380,000
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