This enchanting 1920s Colonial home, set on over half an acre of picturesque pond-front property, is a perfect blend of timeless elegance and modern living. With its classic architecture, open floor plan, and serene natural setting, this residence offers a unique and inviting lifestyle. A spacious l...
This enchanting 1920s Colonial home, set on over half an acre of picturesque pond-front property, is a perfect blend of timeless elegance and modern living. With its classic architecture, open floor plan, and serene natural setting, this residence offers a unique and inviting lifestyle. A spacious living room with large windows that offer views of the pond, allowing natural light to fill the space. The formal dining room, with its elegant details and ample space, is perfect for hosting dinner parties and family gatherings. The master suite includes an en-suite bathroom and generous closet space. 4 Additional bedrooms are perfect for family members or guests. The large backyard is perfect for outdoor entertaining, gardening, or simply relaxing by the water all in the prestigious gated community of Kennilworth with its own security and waterfront pool.