The listing at 444 Milton Road has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

18 Rye Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in Rye at 1 Dogwood Lane for $5,295,000
House in Rye at 11 Bird Lane for $4,750,000
House in Rye at 40 Polly Pk Road for $4,595,000
Coop in Rye at 720 Milton Road #M2 for $515,000
Condo in Rye at 24 Wappanocca Avenue #C for $465,000
House in Rye at 53 Park Drive S for $7,800,000
House in Rye at 34 Oakland Beach Avenue for $2,275,000
House in Rye at 118 Grace Church Street for $1,098,000
House in Rye at 53 Oakwood Avenue for $1,795,000
Coop in Rye at 66 Milton Road #H22 for $510,000
House in Rye at 28 Norman Drive for $2,395,000
House in Rye at 7 Red Oak Drive for $3,695,000
Condo in Rye at 120 Old Post Road #PH-C406 for $3,500,000
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House in Rye at 165 Polly Park Road for $2,350,000
House in Rye at 85 Wappanocca Avenue for $1,895,000
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