The listing at 44 Beach Lane has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
Westhampton Beach

21 Westhampton Beach Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Coop in Westhampton Beach at 231 Dune Road #321 for $325,000
House in Westhampton Beach at 26 Riverhead Road for $829,000
House in Westhampton Beach at 4 Margareta Court for $3,350,000
House in Westhampton Beach at 50 Depot Road for $2,370,000
House in Westhampton Beach at 265 Dune Road Unit 9 #49 for $1,400,000
Coop in Westhampton Beach at 231 Dune Road #319 for $325,000
Coop in Westhampton Beach at 459 Dune Road #7B for $498,000
Coop in Westhampton Beach at 231 Dune #11 for $225,000
Coop in Westhampton Beach at 58 Library Avenue #2 for $489,000
Coop in Westhampton Beach at 231 Dune #10 for $325,000
Condo in Westhampton Beach at 100 Rogers - Tbb Avenue #1401 for $1,040,000
Condo in Westhampton Beach at 100 Rogers - Tbb Avenue #1301 for $1,090,000
Condo in Westhampton Beach at 100 Rogers - Tbb Avenue #1302 for $1,090,000
Condo in Westhampton Beach at 100 Rogers - Tbb Avenue #1402 for $1,040,000
Condo in Westhampton Beach at 100 Rogers - Tbb Avenue #1501 for $990,000
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