The listing at 43-35 192nd Street has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
East Flushing

62 East Flushing Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in East Flushing at 157-51 Rose Avenue for $2,650,000
Coop in East Flushing at 43-57 Union Streets S #3B for $398,000
Condo in East Flushing at 140-75 Ash Avenue #3E for $768,000
Coop in East Flushing at 44-69 Kissena Boulevard #2P for $409,950
Condo in East Flushing at 14075 Ash Avenue #5C for $579,000
House in East Flushing at 40-19 172 for $1,050,000
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #4D for $843,320
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #6E for $848,000
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #2E for $1,016,500
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #6A for $573,240
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #4A for $568,400
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #6B for $511,530
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #4E for $849,762
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #2D for $725,180
Condo in East Flushing at 141-15 Cherry Avenue #6D for $854,225
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