The listing at 3102 Wissman Avenue has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
Throgs Neck

70 Throgs Neck Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Condo in Locust Point at 24 Pennyfield Avenue #1C for $595,000
House in Throgs Neck at 755 Calhoun Avenue for $825,000
House in Throgs Neck at 233 Swinton Avenue for $728,900
House in Throgs Neck at 743 Hollywood Avenue for $1,599,000
House in Throgs Neck at 57 pennyfield camp Drive for $479,000
House in Locust Point at 3176 Tierney Place for $1,399,000
House in Throgs Neck at 206-208 Balcom Avenue for $1,199,000
House in Throgs Neck at 1020 Calhoun Avenue for $995,999
House in Throgs Neck at 839 Clarence Avenue for $400,000
House in Throgs Neck at 2767 Schurz Avenue for $625,000
House in Locust Point at 44 Pennyfield Avenue for $949,000
House in Throgs Neck at 2921 Greene Place for $879,000
House in Throgs Neck at 2868 Dewey Avenue for $750,000
House in Throgs Neck at 264 Davis Avenue for $950,000
House in Throgs Neck at 731 Quincy Ave for $1,100,000
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