The listing at 28 Soundview Terrace #28 has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
Throgs Neck

96 Throgs Neck Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in Throgs Neck at 844 Throgs Neck Expwy for $789,000
Coop in Throgs Neck at 65C Edgewater Park #C for $279,000
House in Throgs Neck at 831 Calhoun Avenue for $750,000
Coop in Throgs Neck at 56 1/2 Edgewater Park #A for $324,000
House in Throgs Neck at 541 Hollywood Avenue for $668,888
3D Tour
House in Throgs Neck at 2610 Miles Avenue for $980,000
House in Throgs Neck at 2924 Lawton Avenue for $654,900
Condo in Throgs Neck at 201 Buttrick Avenue #6D for $425,000
House in Throgs Neck at 812 Throgs Neck Boulevard for $1,179,990
House in Throgs Neck at 750 Edison Avenue for $850,000
Coop in Throgs Neck at 3255 Randall Avenue #5H for $229,000
House in Throgs Neck at 2878 Sampson Avenue for $598,000
Coop in Throgs Neck at 35 Edgewater Park Park #35A for $225,000
Coop in Throgs Neck at 61B Edgewater Park #1 for $329,000
House in Throgs Neck at 452 Revere Avenue for $720,000
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