The listing at 225 E 138th Street #206 has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
Mott Haven

8 Mott Haven Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in North New York at 536 Timpson Place for $325,000
House in North New York at 446 E 142nd Street for $998,000
House in North New York at 516 E 142nd Street E for $899,995
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Coop in North New York at 823 E 147th Street #26 for $139,999
House in North New York at 521 East 148th Street for $1,149,000
House in North New York at 427 E 143 Street #AB for $999,000
Townhouse in North New York at 409 E 139th Street for $950,000
House in North New York at 430 E 144th Street for $940,000