The listing at 1968 School Street has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
East Meadow

31 East Meadow Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in East Meadow at 252 Peters Avenue for $789,990
House in East Meadow at 2047 Central Drive N for $679,000
House in East Meadow at 2527 Ramona Street for $749,999
House in East Meadow at 908 Maple Lane for $599,000
House in East Meadow at 1571 Powers Avenue NW for $699,999
House in East Meadow at 1412 Apple Lane for $749,000
House in East Meadow at 1550 Andrews Lane for $884,000
Condo in East Meadow at 506 Emanuel Way #73 for $699,000
House in East Meadow at 1555 Spring Street for $789,000
House in East Meadow at 1899 Prospect Avenue for $789,000
House in East Meadow at 1848 Albermarle Avenue for $749,999
Condo in East Meadow at 1810 Front Street #14 for $595,000
House in East Meadow at 1897 Grant Avenue for $799,000
House in East Meadow at 2776 Woods Avenue for $1,699,000
House in East Meadow at 1500 Cleveland Avenue for $799,000
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