The listing at 18 Brushy Neck Lane has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

35 Westhampton Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Townhouse in Westhampton at 19 Montauk Hwy #5 for $1,299,000
House in Westhampton at 3 Percy Street for $779,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1302 (Pear for $1,699,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1401 (Pear for $1,825,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1502 (Pear for $1,799,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1501 (Pear for $1,799,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1601 (Pear for $1,825,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1702 (Pear for $1,649,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1701 (Pear for $1,749,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #101 (Pearl for $1,659,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #102 (Pearl for $1,399,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1301 (Pear for $1,699,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1202 (Pear for $1,699,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #1202 (Pear for $1,699,000
Condo in Westhampton at 12 Depot Road #104 (Pearl for $1,449,000
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