The listing at 15 Sequoia Circle #15 has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
North Hills

19 North Hills Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Condo in North Hills at 1 Fox Ridge #303 for $968,800
Condo in North Hills at 62 Ascot #62 for $1,575,000
Condo in North Hills at 30 Fox Ridge #327 for $959,888
Townhouse in North Hills at 18 Wilkshire Circle #18 for $1,600,000
Condo in North Hills at 55 Center Court #55 for $1,330,000
Condo in North Hills at 24 Acorn Ponds Drive #0 for $969,888
Condo in North Hills at 1 Chestnut Hill #1 for $1,125,000
Condo in North Hills at 35 Sequoia Circle #35 for $3,398,998
Condo in North Hills at 15 Windsor Gate Drive #15 for $1,188,000
Condo in North Hills at 9 Sequoia Circle #9 for $3,499,998
Condo in North Hills at 160 Estate Court #160 for $1,450,000
House in North Hills at 16 Stone Hill Drive N for $4,299,000
Condo in North Hills at 39 Sequoia Circle #39 for $4,220,998
House in North Hills at 76 Stone Hill Drive for $4,499,000
House in North Hills at 3 Meadow Lane for $2,888,888
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