The listing at 14 Smith Lane has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.

12 Somers Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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Condo in Somers at 402 Heritage Hills #B for $610,000
Condo in Somers at 592 Heritage Hills #B for $408,500
Condo in Somers at 797 Heritage Hills Drive #B for $619,900
Condo in Somers at 526 Heritage Hills Drive #A for $400,000
House in Somers at 48 Wilner Road for $899,000
Condo in Somers at 438 Heritage Hills Drive #C for $779,000
House in Somers at 8 Somerset Drive for $779,000
Condo in Somers at 445 Heritage Hills #E for $469,900
Condo in Somers at 570 Heritage Hills #A for $579,000
Condo in Somers at 611 Heritage Hills #A for $625,000
House in Somers at 8 Smith Lane for $1,380,000
Condo in Somers at 425 Heritage Hills #D for $450,000