The listing at 1 Pinetop Drive has been taken down and no longer for sale.
Here are the listings available in the same neighborhood.
Central Islip

38 Central Islip Condos, Coops or Houses and Apartments

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House in Central Islip at 51 E Elm Street for $519,000
Coop in Central Islip at 77 Adams Road #1D for $269,000
Condo in Central Islip at 62 Pleasantview Drive for $485,000
House in Central Islip at 22 Satinwood Street for $639,000
House in Central Islip at 48 Palm Street for $699,990
House in Central Islip at 440 Irving Street for $699,999
House in Central Islip at 23 Satinwood Street for $600,000
House in Central Islip at 85 Ridge Avenue for $624,900
Condo in Central Islip at 147 Saxton Court #F147 for $424,900
Condo in Central Islip at 35 Weatherby Lane for $479,000
House in Central Islip at 41 E Chestnut Street for $699,000
House in Central Islip at 4 Janice Lane for $559,900
House in Central Islip at 171 Whitetail Lane for $549,900
House in Central Islip at 44 Palm Street for $679,000
House in Central Islip at 1036 Wilson Boulevard for $669,000
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